Apple Internet TV ? or, Google ?
Apple Internet TV ? or Google ? There is much speculation of the anticipated ‘next move’ of Apple, notably in the area of taking Apple […]
The Internet
“Net Neutrality” does not mean “equally fast, everywhere”
“Net Neutrality” means too many different things to different people. For example, concerns about the potential for discriminatory practices by ISPs or telcos based on […]
Is Internet capacity a “non-issue”, and equal bandwidth a “right” ?
Here is the link on CNN to the 5-minute segment: Cali Lewis / Max Kellerman discuss Net Neutrality A transcript of the interview follows. After […]
The Fuzzy Semantics of “Net Neutrality”
For all the legitimate and significant issues regarding the future evolution of the Internet which the term “Net Neutrality” is meant to embody, the phrase would appear to have become a bit of a conceptual chameleon with a life of its own, and whose meaning is not particularly clear — certainly not to many people…